Chelsea’s Ivorian striker Didier Drogba wears the crown holding a camera as he poses during the presentation of the Premier League trophy after the English Premier League football match between Chelsea and Sunderland at Stamford Bridge in London on May 24, 2015. Chelsea were officially crowned the 2014-2015 Premier League champions. |

8 August 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Aston Villa #BOUAVL
Arsenal v West Ham United #ARSWHU
Chelsea v Swansea City #CHESWA
Everton v Watford #EVEWAT
Leicester City v Sunderland #LEISUN
Manchester United v Tottenham Hotspur #MUNTOT
Newcastle United v Southampton #NEWSOU
Norwich City v Crystal Palace #NORCRY
Stoke City v Liverpool #STKLIV
West Bromwich Albion v Manchester City #WBAMCI
15 August 2015
Aston Villa v Manchester United #AVLMUN
Crystal Palace v Arsenal #CRYARS
Liverpool v AFC Bournemouth #LIVBOU
Manchester City v Chelsea #MCICHE
Southampton v Everton #SOUEVE
Sunderland v Norwich City #SUNNOR
Swansea City v Newcastle United #SWANEW
Tottenham Hotspur v Stoke City #TOTSTK
Watford v West Bromwich Albion #WATWBA
West Ham United v Leicester City #WHULEI
22 August 2015
Arsenal v Liverpool #ARSLIV
Crystal Palace v Aston Villa #CRYAVL
Everton v Manchester City #EVEMCI
Leicester City v Tottenham Hotspur #LEITOT
Manchester United v Newcastle United #MUNNEW
Norwich City v Stoke City #NORSTK
Sunderland v Swansea City #SUNSWA
Watford v Southampton #WATSOU
West Bromwich Albion v Chelsea #WBACHE
West Ham United v AFC Bournemouth #WHUBOU
29 August 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Leicester City #BOULEI
Aston Villa v Sunderland #AVLSUN
Chelsea v Crystal Palace #CHECRY
Liverpool v West Ham United #LIVWHU
Manchester City v Watford #MCIWAT
Newcastle United v Arsenal #NEWARS
Southampton v Norwich City #SOUNOR
Stoke City v West Bromwich Albion #STKWBA
Swansea City v Manchester United #SWAMUN
Tottenham Hotspur v Everton #TOTEVE
12 September 2015
Arsenal v Stoke City #ARSSTK
Crystal Palace v Manchester City #CRYMCI
Everton v Chelsea #EVECHE
Leicester City v Aston Villa #LEIAVL
Manchester United v Liverpool #MUNLIV
Norwich City v AFC Bournemouth #NORBOU
Sunderland v Tottenham Hotspur #SUNTOT
Watford v Swansea City #WATSWA
West Bromwich Albion v Southampton #WBASOU
West Ham United v Newcastle United #WHUNEW
19 September 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Sunderland #BOUSUN
Aston Villa v West Bromwich Albion #AVLWBA
Chelsea v Arsenal #CHEARS
Liverpool v Norwich City #LIVNOR
Manchester City v West Ham United #MCIWHU
Newcastle United v Watford #NEWWAT
Southampton v Manchester United #SOUMUN
Stoke City v Leicester City #STKLEI
Swansea City v Everton #SWAEVE
Tottenham Hotspur v Crystal Palace #TOTCRY
26 September 2015
Leicester City v Arsenal #LEIARS
Liverpool v Aston Villa #LIVAVL
Manchester United v Sunderland #MUNSUN
Newcastle United v Chelsea #NEWCHE
Southampton v Swansea City #SOUSWA
Stoke City v AFC Bournemouth #STKBOU
Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester City #TOTMCI
Watford v Crystal Palace #WATCRY
West Bromwich Albion v Everton #WBAEVE
West Ham United v Norwich City #WHUNOR
3 October 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Watford #BOUWAT
Arsenal v Manchester United #ARSMUN
Aston Villa v Stoke City #AVLSTK
Chelsea v Southampton #CHESOU
Crystal Palace v West Bromwich Albion #CRYWBA
Everton v Liverpool #EVELIV
Manchester City v Newcastle United #MCINEW
Norwich City v Leicester City #NORLEI
Sunderland v West Ham United #SUNWHU
Swansea City v Tottenham Hotspur #SWATOT
17 October 2015
Chelsea v Aston Villa #CHEAVL
Crystal Palace v West Ham United #CRYWHU
Everton v Manchester United #EVEMUN
Manchester City v AFC Bournemouth #MCIBOU
Newcastle United v Norwich City #NEWNOR
Southampton v Leicester City #SOULEI
Swansea City v Stoke City #SWASTK
Tottenham Hotspur v Liverpool #TOTLIV
Watford v Arsenal #WATARS
West Bromwich Albion v Sunderland #WBASUN
24 October 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Tottenham Hotspur #BOUTOT
Arsenal v Everton #ARSEVE
Aston Villa v Swansea City #AVLSWA
Leicester City v Crystal Palace #LEICRY
Liverpool v Southampton #LIVSOU
Manchester United v Manchester City #MUNMCI
Norwich City v West Bromwich Albion #NORWBA
Stoke City v Watford #STKWAT
Sunderland v Newcastle United #SUNNEW
West Ham United v Chelsea #WHUCHE
31 October 2015
Chelsea v Liverpool #CHELIV
Crystal Palace v Manchester United #CRYMUN
Everton v Sunderland #EVESUN
Manchester City v Norwich City #MCINOR
Newcastle United v Stoke City #NEWSTK
Southampton v AFC Bournemouth #SOUBOU
Swansea City v Arsenal #SWAARS
Tottenham Hotspur v Aston Villa #TOTAVL
Watford v West Ham United #WATWHU
West Bromwich Albion v Leicester City #WBALEI
7 November 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Newcastle United #BOUNEW
Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur #ARSTOT
Aston Villa v Manchester City #AVLMCI
Leicester City v Watford #LEIWAT
Liverpool v Crystal Palace #LIVCRY
Manchester United v West Bromwich Albion #MUNWBA
Norwich City v Swansea City #NORSWA
Stoke City v Chelsea #STKCHE
Sunderland v Southampton #SUNSOU
West Ham United v Everton #WHUEVE
21 November 2015
Chelsea v Norwich City #CHENOR
Crystal Palace v Sunderland #CRYSUN
Everton v Aston Villa #EVEAVL
Manchester City v Liverpool #MCILIV
Newcastle United v Leicester City #NEWLEI
Southampton v Stoke City #SOUSTK
Swansea City v AFC Bournemouth #SWABOU
Tottenham Hotspur v West Ham United #TOTWHU
Watford v Manchester United #WATMUN
West Bromwich Albion v Arsenal #WBAARS
28 November 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Everton #BOUEVE
Aston Villa v Watford #AVLWAT
Crystal Palace v Newcastle United #CRYNEW
Leicester City v Manchester United #LEIMUN
Liverpool v Swansea City #LIVSWA
Manchester City v Southampton #MCISOU
Norwich City v Arsenal #NORARS
Sunderland v Stoke City #SUNSTK
Tottenham Hotspur v Chelsea #TOTCHE
West Ham United v West Bromwich Albion #WHUWBA
5 December 2015
Arsenal v Sunderland #ARSSUN
Chelsea v AFC Bournemouth #CHEBOU
Everton v Crystal Palace #EVECRY
Manchester United v West Ham United #MUNWHU
Newcastle United v Liverpool #NEWLIV
Southampton v Aston Villa #SOUAVL
Stoke City v Manchester City #STKMCI
Swansea City v Leicester City #SWALEI
Watford v Norwich City #WATNOR
West Bromwich Albion v Tottenham Hotspur #WBATOT
12 December 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Manchester United #BOUMUN
Aston Villa v Arsenal #AVLARS
Crystal Palace v Southampton #CRYSOU
Leicester City v Chelsea #LEICHE
Liverpool v West Bromwich Albion #LIVWBA
Manchester City v Swansea City #MCISWA
Norwich City v Everton #NOREVE
Sunderland v Watford #SUNWAT
Tottenham Hotspur v Newcastle United #TOTNEW
West Ham United v Stoke City #WHUSTK
19 December 2015
Arsenal v Manchester City #ARSMCI
Chelsea v Sunderland #CHESUN
Everton v Leicester City #EVELEI
Manchester United v Norwich City #MUNNOR
Newcastle United v Aston Villa #NEWAVL
Southampton v Tottenham Hotspur #SOUTOT
Stoke City v Crystal Palace #STKCRY
Swansea City v West Ham United #SWAWHU
Watford v Liverpool #WATLIV
West Bromwich Albion v AFC Bournemouth #WBABOU
26 December 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Crystal Palace #BOUCRY
Aston Villa v West Ham United #AVLWHU
Chelsea v Watford #CHEWAT
Liverpool v Leicester City #LIVLEI
Manchester City v Sunderland #MCISUN
Newcastle United v Everton #NEWEVE
Southampton v Arsenal #SOUARS
Stoke City v Manchester United #STKMUN
Swansea City v West Bromwich Albion #SWAWBA
Tottenham Hotspur v Norwich City #TOTNOR
28 December 2015
Arsenal v AFC Bournemouth #ARSBOU
Crystal Palace v Swansea City #CRYSWA
Everton v Stoke City #EVESTK
Leicester City v Manchester City #LEIMCI
Manchester United v Chelsea #MUNCHE
Norwich City v Aston Villa #NORAVL
Sunderland v Liverpool #SUNLIV
Watford v Tottenham Hotspur #WATTOT
West Bromwich Albion v Newcastle United #WBANEW
West Ham United v Southampton #WHUSOU
2 January 2016
Arsenal v Newcastle United #ARSNEW
Crystal Palace v Chelsea #CRYCHE
Everton v Tottenham Hotspur #EVETOT
Leicester City v AFC Bournemouth #LEIBOU
Manchester United v Swansea City #MUNSWA
Norwich City v Southampton #NORSOU
Sunderland v Aston Villa #SUNAVL
Watford v Manchester City #WATMCI
West Bromwich Albion v Stoke City #WBASTK
West Ham United v Liverpool #WHULIV
12 January 2016
7.45pm kick-offs unless stated
AFC Bournemouth v West Ham United #BOUWHU
Aston Villa v Crystal Palace #AVLCRY
8pm Liverpool v Arsenal #LIVARS
Swansea City v Sunderland #SWASUN
13 January 2016
7.45pm kick-offs unless stated
Chelsea v West Bromwich Albion #CHEWBA
Manchester City v Everton #MCIEVE
Newcastle United v Manchester United #NEWMUN
Southampton v Watford #SOUWAT
Stoke City v Norwich City #STKNOR
8pm Tottenham Hotspur v Leicester City #TOTLEI
16 January 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Norwich City #BOUNOR
Aston Villa v Leicester City #AVLLEI
Chelsea v Everton #CHEEVE
Liverpool v Manchester United #LIVMUN
Manchester City v Crystal Palace #MCICRY
Newcastle United v West Ham United #NEWWHU
Southampton v West Bromwich Albion #SOUWBA
Stoke City v Arsenal #STKARS
Swansea City v Watford #SWAWAT
Tottenham Hotspur v Sunderland #TOTSUN
23 January 2016
Arsenal v Chelsea #ARSCHE
Crystal Palace v Tottenham Hotspur #CRYTOT
Everton v Swansea City #EVESWA
Leicester City v Stoke City #LEISTK
Manchester United v Southampton #MUNSOU
Norwich City v Liverpool #NORLIV
Sunderland v AFC Bournemouth #SUNBOU
Watford v Newcastle United #WATNEW
West Bromwich Albion v Aston Villa #WBAAVL
West Ham United v Manchester City #WHUMCI
2 February 2016
7.45pm kick-offs unless stated
Arsenal v Southampton #ARSSOU
8pm Crystal Palace v AFC Bournemouth #CRYBOU
Leicester City v Liverpool #LEILIV
8pm Manchester United v Stoke City #MUNSTK
Norwich City v Tottenham Hotspur #NORTOT
Sunderland v Manchester City #SUNMCI
Watford v Chelsea #WATCHE
8pm West Bromwich Albion v Swansea City #WBASWA
West Ham United v Aston Villa #WHUAVL
3 February 2016
7.45pm Everton v Newcastle United #EVENEW
6 February 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Arsenal #BOUARS
Aston Villa v Norwich City #AVLNOR
Chelsea v Manchester United #CHEMUN
Liverpool v Sunderland #LIVSUN
Manchester City v Leicester City #MCILEI
Newcastle United v West Bromwich Albion #NEWWBA
Southampton v West Ham United #SOUWHU
Stoke City v Everton #STKEVE
Swansea City v Crystal Palace #SWACRY
Tottenham Hotspur v Watford #TOTWAT
13 February 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Stoke City #BOUSTK
Arsenal v Leicester City #ARSLEI
Aston Villa v Liverpool #AVLLIV
Chelsea v Newcastle United #CHENEW
Crystal Palace v Watford #CRYWAT
Everton v West Bromwich Albion #EVEWBA
Manchester City v Tottenham Hotspur #MCITOT
Norwich City v West Ham United #NORWHU
Sunderland v Manchester United #SUNMUN
Swansea City v Southampton #SWASOU
27 February 2016
Leicester City v Norwich City #LEINOR
Liverpool v Everton #LIVEVE
Manchester United v Arsenal #MUNARS
Newcastle United v Manchester City #NEWMCI
Southampton v Chelsea #SOUCHE
Stoke City v Aston Villa #STKAVL
Tottenham Hotspur v Swansea City #TOTSWA
Watford v AFC Bournemouth #WATBOU
West Bromwich Albion v Crystal Palace #WBACRY
West Ham United v Sunderland #WHUSUN
1 March 2016
7.45pm kick-offs unless stated
AFC Bournemouth v Southampton #BOUSOU
Arsenal v Swansea City #ARSSWA
Aston Villa v Everton #AVLEVE
Leicester City v West Bromwich Albion #LEIWBA
8pm Liverpool v Manchester City #LIVMCI
8pm Manchester United v Watford #MUNWAT
Norwich City v Chelsea #NORCHE
Sunderland v Crystal Palace #SUNCRY
West Ham United v Tottenham Hotspur #WHUTOT
2 March 2016
7.45pm Stoke City v Newcastle United #STKNEW
5 March 2016
Chelsea v Stoke City #CHESTK
Crystal Palace v Liverpool #CRYLIV
Everton v West Ham United #EVEWHU
Manchester City v Aston Villa #MCIAVL
Newcastle United v AFC Bournemouth #NEWBOU
Southampton v Sunderland #SOUSUN
Swansea City v Norwich City #SWANOR
Tottenham Hotspur v Arsenal #TOTARS
Watford v Leicester City #WATLEI
West Bromwich Albion v Manchester United #WBAMUN
12 March 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Swansea City #BOUSWA
Arsenal v West Bromwich Albion #ARSWBA
Aston Villa v Tottenham Hotspur #AVLTOT
Leicester City v Newcastle United #LEINEW
Liverpool v Chelsea #LIVCHE
Manchester United v Crystal Palace #MUNCRY
Norwich City v Manchester City #NORMCI
Stoke City v Southampton #STKSOU
Sunderland v Everton #SUNEVE
West Ham United v Watford #WHUWAT
19 March 2016
Chelsea v West Ham United
Crystal Palace v Leicester City
Everton v Arsenal
Manchester City v Manchester United
Newcastle United v Sunderland
Southampton v Liverpool #SOULIV
Swansea City v Aston Villa #SWAAVL
Tottenham Hotspur v AFC Bournemouth #TOTBOU
Watford v Stoke City #WATSTK
West Bromwich Albion v Norwich City #WBANOR
2 April 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Manchester City #BOUMCI
Arsenal v Watford #ARSWAT
Aston Villa v Chelsea #AVLCHE
Leicester City v Southampton #LEISOU
Liverpool v Tottenham Hotspur #LIVTOT
Manchester United v Everton #MUNEVE
Norwich City v Newcastle United #NORNEW
Stoke City v Swansea City #STKSWA
Sunderland v West Bromwich Albion #SUNWBA
West Ham United v Crystal Palace #WHUCRY
9 April 2016
Aston Villa v AFC Bournemouth #AVLBOU
Crystal Palace v Norwich City #CRYNOR
Liverpool v Stoke City #LIVSTK
Manchester City v West Bromwich Albion #MCIWBA
Southampton v Newcastle United #SOUNEW
Sunderland v Leicester City #SUNLEI
Swansea City v Chelsea #SWACHE
Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester United #TOTMUN
Watford v Everton
West Ham United v Arsenal
16 April 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Liverpool
Arsenal v Crystal Palace
Chelsea v Manchester City
Everton v Southampton
Leicester City v West Ham United
Manchester United v Aston Villa
Newcastle United v Swansea City
Norwich City v Sunderland
Stoke City v Tottenham Hotspur
West Bromwich Albion v Watford
23 April 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Chelsea
Aston Villa v Southampton
Crystal Palace v Everton
Leicester City v Swansea City
Liverpool v Newcastle United
Manchester City v Stoke City
Norwich City v Watford
Sunderland v Arsenal
Tottenham Hotspur v West Bromwich Albion
West Ham United v Manchester United
30 April 2016
Arsenal v Norwich City #ARSNOR
Chelsea v Tottenham Hotspur #CHETOT
Everton v AFC Bournemouth #EVEBOU
Manchester United v Leicester City #MUNLEI
Newcastle United v Crystal Palace #NEWCRY
Southampton v Manchester City #SOUMCI
Stoke City v Sunderland #STKSUN
Swansea City v Liverpool #SWALIV
Watford v Aston Villa #WATAVL
West Bromwich Albion v West Ham United #WBAWHU
7 May 2016
AFC Bournemouth v West Bromwich Albion #BOUWBA
Aston Villa v Newcastle United #AVLNEW
Crystal Palace v Stoke City #CRYSTK
Leicester City v Everton #LEIEVE
Liverpool v Watford #LIVWAT
Manchester City v Arsenal #MCIARS
Norwich City v Manchester United #NORMUN
Sunderland v Chelsea #SUNCHE
Tottenham Hotspur v Southampton #TOTSOU
West Ham United v Swansea City #WHUSWA
15 May 2016
Arsenal v Aston Villa #ARSAVL
Chelsea v Leicester City #CHELEI
Everton v Norwich City
Manchester United v AFC Bournemouth
Newcastle United v Tottenham Hotspur
Southampton v Crystal Palace
Stoke City v West Ham United
Swansea City v Manchester City
Watford v Sunderland
West Bromwich Albion v Liverpool
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