Television pictures had shown that the Uruguay striker committed his third biting offence in four years during Tuesday’s World Cup match against Italy.

But Suarez claims there is no way he would deliberately bite Chiellini, saying he ‘lost his balance’ and ‘in no way’ bit Chiellini.

Suarez will miss tonight’s last 16 tie against Colombia, but in the written defence he submitted to FIFA, he maintained his claim that the incident has been misunderstood.
"In no way [did] it happen how you have described, as a bite or intent to bite,’ the Liverpool man wrote.

He continued: "After the impact I lost my balance, making my body unstable and falling on top of my opponent.
"At that moment I hit my face against the player leaving a small bruise on my cheek and a strong pain in my teeth."
Suarez returned to Uruguay on Thursday night after FIFA gave their verdict, but was still given a hero’s welcome by fans who continue to stand by him.
Since FIFA announced the ban on Suarez, there have been reports that Liverpool is ready to sell the Uruguayan to Barcelona if the Spanish giants are ready to meet the asking price.
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